Style and Colour: Abbey extra blond beer
Taste: Cascade of hoppy aromas with touches of fruit (orange, citrus, tangerine), wood, roast malt and vinous.
Alcohol: 9.5 % ABV
Drinking Temperature: 8 - 10 °C
Fermentation: High fermentation and fermentation in the bottle .
The Brewery: Brasserie St-Feuillien was founded in 1873 by Stéphanie Friart in St Feuillien Abbey in Le Roeulx in South of Belgium. The fifth generation continues to brew , demonstrating a determination to stay rooted in the region’s history and keep this local tradition very much alive.
Origin: In the 7th century AC, an Irish monk by the name of Folian travelled through what is now Belgium to convert the locals. Folian died a martyr’s death in the village of Le Roeulx, the current home of the brewery. In later years Folian was elevated to sainthood and Le Roeulx turned into a site of pilgrimage. The year 1125 saw the foundation of a Premonstratensian abbey.
Food: Goes well with spicy meat or fish preparations, and foie gras.
World Beer Awards: Gold medal in 2017