Style and Colour: Classic Belgian Abbey blonde beer.
Taste: Playful fruity flavour, soft malting, and a slightly dry and delicately hoppy finish.
Alcohol: 6 % ABV
Drinking Temperature: 4 -6 ° C
Fermentation: Top-fermented beer with re-fermentation in the bottle.
The Brewery: The true Benedictine tradition is found in the various beers of Maredsous Abbey. The monks drink them daily in the abbey.
Origin: In 1872, Maredsous Abbey was founded by Benedictine monks from Germany. It was the first abbey founded in Belgium after the French Revolution.
Food: Especially good with fish, poultry, mushrooms in sauce and cheese dishes such as fondue or raclette.
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Pttima scelta per l'estate
Birra leggermente luppolata e un po dolciastra. Fresca e di colore biondo/ambrato. Mi è piaciuta molto a temperatura frigo in estate, la sera con un bel piatto freddo.