Style and Colour: Lambic Gueuze Oude Kriek (Cherry).
Taste: Beer with a pure cherry flavour that is fresh and pleasantly tart, with a masterful sour-sweet balance.
Alcohol: 7 % ABV
Drinking Temperature: 5° C
Fermentation: The cherries ferment in a lambic that is at least six months old in huge 10,000-litre oak barrels called foudres. After six months, this traditional kriek is bottled in corked 75 cl bottles. The beer will then undergo a spontaneous second fermentation process.
The Brewery: The Lindemans family has brewed since 1822, in Vlezenbeek, South-west of Brussels.
Origin: Lambic is a type of beer brewed in the Pajottenland region of Belgium southwest of Brussels. It is fermented through exposure to wild yeasts and bacteria. Oude Kriek or Gueuze’ label was accorded legal protection by the European Union. Brewers are now only allowed to call their product Oude Gueuze if the older lambic used in the process has been aged for three years, has matured in oak barrels and is free of any artificial sweeteners. The pride of the master brewer, the oude Kriek Cuvée René bears the name of his son.
Food: Excellent as an aperitif. Pairs wonderfully with mild blue cheese, bread with cottage cheese and herbs.
World Beer Awards: Best oude Kriek in 2013, 2018 and 2019.
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gut und nicht süss
Das Glas füllt sich trüb Rubinrot (was wohl meinem schnellen Einschenken geschuldet war), mit einem Hauch leicht rosafarbenen Schaum. In der Nase ist der Lambic eher im Vordergrund, eingerahmt von fruchtigen Kirscharomen. Es schreit nicht nach Kirschsaft, macht dadurch Lust auf den ersten Schluck. Dieser folgt dem Duft zusammen mit einer klaren Säure, wobei die Kirsche mehr zum Tragen kommt. Die Kohlensäure ist gut eingebunden und lässt das Kriek bei jedem Schluck auf der Zunge erfrischend perlen. Das Lambic zeigt sich mit funky-Aromen der Brettanomyces und alles zusammen endet säuerlich trocken fruchtig. Alles zusammen gut abgerundet.
Wonderfully balanced beer this one. Classy. Elegant. More on the sour side than sweet, it can't help but make you smile. Put on a good movie, pour this one into a decent glass, sip slowly, and enjoy the restraint this beer has compared to many. One of the very best Krieks I've tried. :)
Oude Kriek Cuvée René
A good fruity, fruity beer.