Style and Colour: Lambic Gueuze Kriek.
Taste: Aromas of cherries.
Alcohol: 5 % ABV
Drinking Temperature: 8° C
Fermentation: This Lambic beer is aged for 1, 2 or 3 years in oak barrels with cherries.
The Brewery: The Girardin brewery was originally a farm, as was the tradition in the 19th century. In 1882, Franciscus Girardin bought the farm that he had been renting for years in Sint-Ulriks-Kapelle. The brewing of lambic started in the same year, hence the mention of the year 1882 on the current labels.
Origin: Lambic is a type of beer brewed in the Pajottenland region of Belgium southwest of Brussels. It is fermented through exposure to wild yeasts and bacteria.
Food: Pairs wonderfully with desserts like waffles.
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Belle cerise
Acidité assez modérée et funk faible. Belle expression de cerise entière bien en chair et un côté "noyau" un peu amande